50 Avenue Redevelopment Phase 3

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The 50 Avenue Redevelopment Project upgrades 50 Avenue from Lakeshore Drive to 50 Street. Upgrades include new underground infrastructure, sidewalks, and landscaping. The project has four phases, from 2019 - 2024. The final phase 4 begins in 2024. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.


  • It is cheaper to replace aging underground infrastructure before it fails. Some water and sewer mains are over forty years old

  • To save money by upgrading landscaping and sidewalks at the same time

  • To make it safer for pedestrians and drivers with traffic calming design

  • To helps tourism and business by giving a facelift to this important downtown corridor

Reducing construction impacts

  • We are taking a strategic and staged approach by only closing one section at a time

  • We are completing phase 3 in sections to reduce impact to the downtown core, residents, and businesses

  • View the traffic interruption and detour plan

Why is the 50 Avenue area important?

Roadway Modernization and Traffic Calming Design

The new 50 Avenue design is built to calm traffic, improving safety for both pedestrians and drivers. Here’s how:

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide sidewalks, crosswalks, and curb bulb-outs. Why are bulb outs safer? They let pedestrians look past parked cars before crossing. The bulb outs place walkers more into the line vision of drivers while staying off the roadway in a protected zone

  • Planting trees along the length of the roadway

  • Keeping the speed limit at 30 Km/h on 50 Avenue (from 46 Street to 50 Street)

  • Adding improved street lighting

  • Adding more traffic control signage and line markings

  • Increasing visibility of signage and line markings by placing them where they are easier to see for drivers. Improved street lighting also increases visibility

  • Narrowing and focusing the driver's field of vision with the bulb outs and trees, causing them to slow down

  • Improving the intersection at 50 Avenue and 46 Street

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage


Learn about the project

The 50 Avenue Redevelopment Project upgrades 50 Avenue from Lakeshore Drive to 50 Street. Upgrades include new underground infrastructure, sidewalks, and landscaping. The project has four phases, from 2019 - 2024. The final phase 4 begins in 2024. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.


  • It is cheaper to replace aging underground infrastructure before it fails. Some water and sewer mains are over forty years old

  • To save money by upgrading landscaping and sidewalks at the same time

  • To make it safer for pedestrians and drivers with traffic calming design

  • To helps tourism and business by giving a facelift to this important downtown corridor

Reducing construction impacts

  • We are taking a strategic and staged approach by only closing one section at a time

  • We are completing phase 3 in sections to reduce impact to the downtown core, residents, and businesses

  • View the traffic interruption and detour plan

Why is the 50 Avenue area important?

Roadway Modernization and Traffic Calming Design

The new 50 Avenue design is built to calm traffic, improving safety for both pedestrians and drivers. Here’s how:

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide sidewalks, crosswalks, and curb bulb-outs. Why are bulb outs safer? They let pedestrians look past parked cars before crossing. The bulb outs place walkers more into the line vision of drivers while staying off the roadway in a protected zone

  • Planting trees along the length of the roadway

  • Keeping the speed limit at 30 Km/h on 50 Avenue (from 46 Street to 50 Street)

  • Adding improved street lighting

  • Adding more traffic control signage and line markings

  • Increasing visibility of signage and line markings by placing them where they are easier to see for drivers. Improved street lighting also increases visibility

  • Narrowing and focusing the driver's field of vision with the bulb outs and trees, causing them to slow down

  • Improving the intersection at 50 Avenue and 46 Street

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage


Learn about the project

  • 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection open for August long

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    Progress on the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection is on schedule and on budget. We are timing paving of the intersection to be finished before the August long weekend. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.

    Next Tasks

    • July 31 - August 4: Closing the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection for 1st lift of asphalt paving. We are working hard to open the intersection for the August long weekend, weather permitting

    • When the 2023 paving is complete, the intersection will remain open for the 2023 season

    • In 2024, the intersection will close again for a short time to place the final lift of asphalt, paint lines, and finalize the construction

    Access to businesses during construction

    • All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open

    • Varsity Mall: access from 46 Street only

    • Dairy Queen: access from drive through entrance only

    • Railway Plaza: access from east entrance only

    • Monarchos Centre: access from west entrance only

    Completed Tasks: June 30 - July 25

    Phase 3, Stage 3

    • 50 Avenue, from Dairy Queen to Panago


    Road Surface Infrastructure

    • Completed pouring new concrete sidewalks at the corners of the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection

    Underground Infrastructure

    • Completed replacing aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services to the west of Dairy Queen


    • Replaced all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable to the west of Dairy Queen

    Learn more


  • When will the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection open?

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    The 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection is open

    We’ve had some questions about how long the intersection will be closed. The intersection opened for the Canada Day long weekend. It stays open for north/south 46 Street access and east 50 Avenue access. All underground upgrades to water/sewer/services are complete in the intersection.

    Next steps:

    • July 14 – 18, 2023: Construction on the intersection's shoulders and sidewalks. The intersection remains open during this work

    • End of July 2023: The intersection closes for final paving. The paving closure should last about one week, and we estimate this should start around the end of July 2023. The intersection opens permanently once the paving is complete. 50 Avenue west of the 46 Street intersection closes in sections for the next phases of the project

    • Please remember, construction dates are estimates and may change

    Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

    • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we must delay projects

    • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction

    • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay

    • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

    We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

    Construction progress on 50 Avenue west of 46 Street

  • Open for Canada Day

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    For the Canada Day long weekend, we are opening the 46 Street and 50 Avenue intersection. This will help reduce congestion and increase traffic to businesses. We wish you a safe and amazing Canada Day long weekend, and hope to see you out for the festivities!

  • July 4, 2023 Progress Update

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    We successfully completed two more phases! The project is on schedule and on budget. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.

    From May 29 - June 29, we completed:

    Phase 3, Stage 2

    • 50 Avenue, from 45 Street to just past 46 Street


    Underground Infrastructure

    • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

    • Adding a stormwater main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve stormwater flow


    • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

    Access to businesses during construction

    • All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.
    • Varisty Mall access: access from 46 Street only
    • Dairy Queen access: access from drive through entrance only
    • Railway Plaza: access from east entrance only

    Learn more


  • June 27, 2023 Progress Update

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    We successfully completed two more phases. The project is on schedule and on budget. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.

    From April 17 - May 26, we completed:

    Phase 3, Stage 1

    • Valve cut-ins on 46 Street, 47 Street, and 48/49 Street junctions along 50 Avenue
    • Includes Intersection improvements at 50 Avenue and 46 Street

    Phase 3, Stage 1 Tasks Completed:

    Underground Infrastructure

    • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

    • Adding a storm water main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve storm water flow


    • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

    Access to businesses during construction

    • All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.
    • Varisty Mall access: access from 46 Street only
    • Dairy Queen access: access from drive through entrance only
    • Railway Plaza: access from east entrance only

    Learn more


  • April 27, 2023 Progress Report

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    From April 17 - April 26, we:

    1. Completed water valve cut ins
    2. Installed temporary water services

    On April 27, our first road closure started and we started work on:

    1. Road excavation
    2. Installing new water, sewer and storm main lines

    Learn more


  • Traffic interruption and detour plan

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    Downtown is the heart of Sylvan Lake. Our downtown core provides vibrant tourism opportunities and local business offerings. The 50 Avenue redevelopment project is critical to make sure downtown remains vibrant for years to come.

    The Town created a detailed plan to help minimize disruption downtown:

    1. Check out the plan
    2. Post your questions and comments about the plan

  • Budget

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    The 50 Avenue redevelopment is one of the Town's biggest projects. It could not be completed in one construction season and was split into 3 phases. Phases 1 and 2 are complete.

    Total budget to date: $16,254,000

    Phase 4

    • Budget: TBD
    • Funding Source: TBD
    • Progress: Starting spring 2024

    Phase 3

    • Budget: $5,228,000
    • Funding Source: Reserves and grants
    • Progress: Starting spring 2023

    Phase 2

    • Budget: $6,116,000
    • Funding Source: Reserves and grants
    • Progress: Complete

    Phase 1

    • Budget: $4,910,000
    • Funding Source: Reserves and grants
    • Progress: Complete


Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024, 07:58 AM