April → July 2024

UNDERWAY: Phase 3, Stage 6 (45 Street to 49 Street)

Phase 3, Stage 6

  • 50 Avenue, from 45 Street to 49 Street


  • Landscaping

  • No road closures are needed for this work

  • Concrete work: miscellaneous curb work, flower beds

  • June 21: pouring the concrete pad in front of the Library

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

March 11 → March 29 2024

COMPLETE: Phase 4, Stage 2a (49 Street to 50 Street)

Phase 4 2a

  • 50 Avenue, from 49 Street to 50 Street


  • Work on wastewater lines

  • No sidewalk or road closures are needed for this work

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

 We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

September 11 → November 10 2023

COMPLETE: Phase 4, Stage 1 (49 Street to the laneway west of 50 Street)

We hope to start the first stage of this phase at this time, but it still is an estimated start date.

We'll let you know once we confirm start dates!

Phase 4

  • 50 Avenue, from 49 Street to the laneway west of 50 Street (beside Sylvan Auto Center)


Underground Infrastructure
  • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

  • Adding a stormwater main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve stormwater flow


  • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

 We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

September 05 → October 31 2023

COMPLETE: Phase 3, Stage 5 (46 Street to 49 Street)

We hope to start the first stage at this time, but it still is an estimated start date.

We'll let you know once we confirm start dates!

Phase 3, Stage 5

  • 50 Avenue, from 46 Street to 49 Street


Roadway Modernization

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide side walkscross walks and curb bulb-outs

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage

  • Adding improved street lighting along

  • Installing the first layer of asphalt

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

 We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

August 11 → October 31 2023

COMPLETE: Phase 3, Stage 4 (Panago to 49 Street)

We hope to start the first stage at this time, but it still is an estimated start date.

We'll let you know once we confirm start dates!

Phase 3, Stage 4

  • 50 Avenue, from Panago to 49 Street


Underground Infrastructure (COMPLETE)

  • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

  • Adding a stormwater main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve stormwater flow

Roadway Modernization (UNDERWAY)

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide side walkscross walks and curb bulb-outs

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage

  • Adding improved street lighting along


  • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

 We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

August 01 → September 19 2023

COMPLETE: Preparation for 50 Avenue & 50 Street

As part of the 50 Ave redevelopment, we are planning on making improvements to the intersection at 50 Avenue and 50 Street. This intersection is often congested. It's difficult to cross east to west, and it's hard for drivers to see pedestrians.

We are improving:

  • Pedestrian and traffic safety
  • Underground services such as replacing aging sewer and water mains

Traffic interruptions:

  • Once CN Rail gives the go ahead, we are doing exploratory work in the intersection
  • Please expect full closures for north to south traffic, and partial closures for east to west

Why we must explore:

  • Before we can improve the intersection, we have to explore what is underground
  • The infrastructure at the intersection could be 40 - 50 years old, and sometimes older. Record keeping from that time often doesn't capture all the details needed for planning improvements
  • Once we know what we are looking at, we'll know the most cost-effective way to improve infrastructure both below ground and above ground 

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

 We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

July 04 → October 12 2023

COMPLETE: Phase 3, Stage 3 (Dairy Queen to Panago)

Phase 3, Stage 3

  • 50 Avenue, from Dairy Queen to Panago


Underground Infrastructure (COMPLETE)

  • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

  • Adding a stormwater main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve stormwater flow

Roadway Modernization (COMPLETE)

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide sidewalkscross walks and curb bulb-outs

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage

  • Adding improved street lighting along


  • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

 We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

May 29 → July 01 2023

COMPLETE: Phase 3, Stage 2 (45 Street to just past 46 Street)

We hope to start the first stage at this time, but it still is an estimated start date.

We'll let you know once we confirm start dates!

Phase 3, Stage 2

  • 50 Avenue, from 45 Street to just past 46 Street (Estimated May 1 - June 15)


Underground Infrastructure

  • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

  • Adding a stormwater main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve stormwater flow

Roadway Modernization

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide side walkscross walks and curb bulb-outs

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage

  • Adding improved street lighting along


  • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

April → May 2023

COMPLETE: Phase 3 - Stage 1 (50 Avenue Junctions)

Phase 3, Stage 1

  • Valve cut-ins on 46 Street, 47 Street, and 48/49 Street junctions along 50 Avenue
  • Includes Intersection improvements at 50 Avenue and 46 Street


Underground Infrastructure

  • Replacement of aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services

  • Adding a storm water main and catch basins to fix drainage issues and improve storm water flow

Roadway Modernization and Traffic Calming

  • Improving pedestrian walkability and safety with the addition of wide sidewalkscrosswalks, and curb bulb-outs

  • Replacing curb and gutter and adding more catch basins to improve drainage

  • Adding improved street lighting along

  • Intersection improvements at 50 Avenue and 46 Street.


  • Replacing all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable, if needed

Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

  • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
  • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
  • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
  • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

April 2021 → November 2022

COMPLETE: Phase 2, 50 Avenue from 38 Street to 45 Street


  • Full removal and replacement of all concrete and road structure,

  • Addition of storm water mains and catch basins,

  • Replacement of water main from 40 street to 45 street,

  • Replacement of underground house services,

  • Addition of a 2.5m sidewalk,

  • Addition of traffic calming measures, and

  • Burial of overhead powerlines and house electrical services.


  • Water: stronger water mains that are less likely to bursting and leaking,

  • Storm: Improved water drainage and reduced risk of localized flooding,

  • Road: Improved pedestrian safety, and 

  • Overall: Area more visually pleasing. 

April → November 2019

COMPLETE: Phase 1, 50 Avenue from 33 Street to 38 Street


  • Full removal and replacement of all concrete and road structure

  • Addition of storm water mains and catch basins

  • Replacement of water main from33 Street to 38 Street

  • Replacement of underground house services

  • Addition of a 2.5m sidewalk

  • Addition of traffic calming measures

  • Burial of overhead powerlines and residential electrical utilities

  • Install a new storm water lift station at Erickson Drive to improve drainage and reduce flooding downtown and in Hewlett Park and Hampton Pointe


  • Water: stronger water mains that are less likely to bursting and leaking

  • Storm: Improved water drainage and reduced risk of localized flooding

  • Road: Improved pedestrian safety, and

  • Overall: Area more visually pleasing