What’s happening?

    • We are making improvements along 50 Avenue in the downtown core this spring. We are digging up roads and making a [controlled] mess!   
    • We are working hard to reduce impact on the downtown core. We split the project zone into stages. For each stage, we complete the underground work and then re-open the road. We only start a new stage when the previous stage is complete.  

    What are we upgrading?

    • Underground infrastructure: replacing water and sanitary mains, adding storm mains and catch basins, burying some overhead power lines   
    • Pedestrian accessibility: replacing and adding sidewalks  
    • The road: replacing the road surface, improving traffic flow and safety  

    When does the project start? 

    • Each phase of the project starts as soon as the weather and site conditions allow   
    • Phase 3 started in April 2023

    Did people and businesses in the area know about the project ahead of time? 

    We contacted everyone impacted, including residents and businesses in and around the project area. Information is available by e-mail, website updates, social media, and on engage.sylvanlake.ca


    • We shared information about the work, when it's happening, and how it impacts them  
    • Residents get letters delivered to their door before construction starts


    • We are meeting with business and commercial building owners in the area  
    • The meetings explain the project and show a map of the work 
    • We explain how our plan reduces the impact and maintains traffic flow around their business  
    • We are providing project information handouts

    Is water service interrupted during the project?

    • Minimal interruptions are planned 
    • We are connecting a temporary water supply to some residents and businesses 


    Where can we park during the project?

    • Thank you for your patience and for following parking restriction construction signage 
    • You can find parking outside the construction area with our pay parking map.

    Can we access homes and businesses during the project?

    Yes! Anyone located in the project area can use their driveways and alleys during the project.

    • On-street parking is not available for parts of the project 
    • Residents may need to plan alternate routes to get to where they need to go  
    • But don’t worry, we are maintaining access for all buildings  
    • Everyone will continue to have access to homes or businesses 

    Where can I ask questions?

    Right here!

    Have questions that aren't about the project?