Herder Drive Rehabilitation

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This long-term project investigates and corrects the root causes of the roadway issues along Herder Drive and in Hewlett Park. The issues included:

  • Pot holes
  • Road heaves
  • Higher than normal water levels

The investigation revealed the problems that were causing the poor conditions on Herder Drive:

  1. At the Erickson Drive storm water crossing: This drainage route was too small and created a bottle neck

  2. Along the drainage channels from Erickson Drive to Hewlett Park: The drainage channel was too flat. Water was standing instead of draining away

  3. At the storm water mains within the roadways of Hewlett Park: The mains were too shallow and were too small to allow enough drainage

  4. With groundwater conditions in the area: Because of 1 - 3, the water had nowhere to drain


  • First, we corrected the problems causing poor conditions (1 - 3 above)

  • Next we repaired Hunter Road and Hinshaw Drive

  • Work continues to repair Herder Drive and then Harrison Road

  • Many projects were coordinated at the same time to maximize efficiency


We improved surface and ground water drainage so that water moves from west to east, away from Hewlett Park. Improvements include:

  • Added the Hampton Pointe storm water lift station and new Hampton Pointe outfall
    New Hampton Pointe storm water lift station

  • Regrading of drainage ditches and storm ponds

  • Added two large concrete box culverts at the Erickson Drive storm water crossing. The new culverts eliminate the bottleneck at the Erickson Drive storm water crossing. The old culverts were about 60 cm in diameter. The new box culverts are 1.6 meters tall and 2.9 meters wide

    New Hampton Pointe Outfall (left),
    New Erickson Drive storm water crossing box culvert (right)

Improved roadways:

  • Stronger road structure
  • Safer roadway for driving
  • Improved sightlines for pedestrians to cross roadway safely

  • Removal, replacement and upgrading the existing storm water mains

  • Installation of weeping tile drains along the roadway

  • Removal of concrete in areas where the ground settled, and the surface water is not draining properly

  • Removal and replacement of the asphalt roadway

  • Addition of traffic calming measures


Herder Drive rehabilitation takes place in phases, from:

  1. Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road

  1. Hagerman Road to Harrison Road

  1. Harrison Road to 47 Avenue


Next Steps

  • Rehabilitation of Herder Drive from Hagerman Road to Harrison Road

  • Rehabilitation of Herder Drive from Harrison Road to 47 Avenue

Learn about the project

This long-term project investigates and corrects the root causes of the roadway issues along Herder Drive and in Hewlett Park. The issues included:

  • Pot holes
  • Road heaves
  • Higher than normal water levels

The investigation revealed the problems that were causing the poor conditions on Herder Drive:

  1. At the Erickson Drive storm water crossing: This drainage route was too small and created a bottle neck

  2. Along the drainage channels from Erickson Drive to Hewlett Park: The drainage channel was too flat. Water was standing instead of draining away

  3. At the storm water mains within the roadways of Hewlett Park: The mains were too shallow and were too small to allow enough drainage

  4. With groundwater conditions in the area: Because of 1 - 3, the water had nowhere to drain


  • First, we corrected the problems causing poor conditions (1 - 3 above)

  • Next we repaired Hunter Road and Hinshaw Drive

  • Work continues to repair Herder Drive and then Harrison Road

  • Many projects were coordinated at the same time to maximize efficiency


We improved surface and ground water drainage so that water moves from west to east, away from Hewlett Park. Improvements include:

  • Added the Hampton Pointe storm water lift station and new Hampton Pointe outfall
    New Hampton Pointe storm water lift station

  • Regrading of drainage ditches and storm ponds

  • Added two large concrete box culverts at the Erickson Drive storm water crossing. The new culverts eliminate the bottleneck at the Erickson Drive storm water crossing. The old culverts were about 60 cm in diameter. The new box culverts are 1.6 meters tall and 2.9 meters wide

    New Hampton Pointe Outfall (left),
    New Erickson Drive storm water crossing box culvert (right)

Improved roadways:

  • Stronger road structure
  • Safer roadway for driving
  • Improved sightlines for pedestrians to cross roadway safely

  • Removal, replacement and upgrading the existing storm water mains

  • Installation of weeping tile drains along the roadway

  • Removal of concrete in areas where the ground settled, and the surface water is not draining properly

  • Removal and replacement of the asphalt roadway

  • Addition of traffic calming measures


Herder Drive rehabilitation takes place in phases, from:

  1. Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road

  1. Hagerman Road to Harrison Road

  1. Harrison Road to 47 Avenue


Next Steps

  • Rehabilitation of Herder Drive from Hagerman Road to Harrison Road

  • Rehabilitation of Herder Drive from Harrison Road to 47 Avenue

Learn about the project

  • March 1, 2024 Update

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    Progress is underway on planning for 2024 construction:

    • 2024 work includes Herder Drive rehabilitation from Hagerman Rd to approximately Heenan Cresent
      • Stormwater, roadway surface, and sidewalks
    • On February 14, 2024, we issued a tender for the roadway construction
    • We hope to present our choice of construction contractor for Council approval on March 25
    • We hope to begin construction in June, depending on weather
      • Work on stormwater lines must happen after spring breakup

  • August 16, 2023 Update

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    Progress on the Herder Drive rehabilitation is on schedule and on budget. This long-term project began in 2016 to investigate and correct the root causes of the roadway issues along Herder Drive and in Hewlett Park. The issues included potholes, road heaves, and higher than normal water levels.

    Next Tasks

    • August 17 – 25: Road line painting on Herder Drive from Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road

    Completed Tasks: August 4

    Road Surface Infrastructure

    • We completed milling and paving on Herder Drive from Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road, including the intersection at Hinshaw Drive and Herder Drive

    Paving completed along Herder Drive from Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road

  • Milling and paving starting today

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    We are ready to begin milling and paving:

    • Herder Drive: Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road, including the intersection at Hinshaw Drive and Herder Drive
    • Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
    • One-way alternating traffic
    • We are working hard to complete milling and paving before the August long weekend, weather permitting
    • Thank you for watching out for our construction staff

    Why can't we do construction projects according to a set schedule?

    • Weather is the boss of construction. If we have bad weather, we have to delay projects
    • Construction supplies sometimes arrive on time, sometimes they arrive late. For example, if concrete supplies for sidewalks are delivered late, we can't start the construction
    • Sometimes we find surprises in the ground. We make every effort to survey before breaking ground, but sometimes we find underground utilities like gas lines that are in unexpected places. This forces us to create a new plan, which can cause a time delay
    • There are more surprises that can happen too! We plan things down to the last detail, but plans are never 100% perfect, 100% of the time

    We thank you for all your patience during construction to keep our workers safe!

  • June 29, 2023 progress update

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    So far, we have completed:

    • Concrete sidewalks including new sidewalks and repairs to existing sidewalks

    Asphalt work begins July 4:

    • Mill and pave asphalt on Herder Drive, from Hinshaw Drive to Hagerman Road

    Thanks for your patience and for watching out for our for construction crews!

  • Budget

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    The Herder Drive rehabilitation is one of the Town's biggest projects. It could not be completed in one construction season and was split into many phases. Budget information included is for recent phases only.

    Total budget for 2023 - 2025: $2,192,812


    • Budget: $2,000,000 (Estimated)
    • Funding Source: Reserves, capital funding, and grants
    • Progress: Planning / scheduled


    • Budget: $100,000 (Estimated)
    • Funding Source: Reserves
    • Progress: Planning / scheduled


    • Budget: $92,812
    • Funding Source: Reserves
    • Progress: Underway


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Page last updated: 13 Aug 2024, 01:41 PM