Pogadl Park

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In 2016, members of the Pogadl family generously donated 20 acres of land to the Town of Sylvan Lake. They made the donation in the name of Ed and Glenda Pogadl for a sports and recreation park. Pogadl park is a long-term project spanning many years.


  • Provides recreational facilities for sport, athletes, spectators,

  • Attracts and welcomes visitors to the Town

  • Retains significant natural features within the plan area for educational and ecological purposes

  • Provides overnight camping

  • Connects to the existing trail system

What facilities are complete?

  • Recreation facilities including baseball, slo-pitch, soccer, football and more

  • Co-operators Play Zone splash park and playground

  • Sylvan Lake Gulls Stadium

What facilities are planned?

  • Soccer fields, football field and building, court sports

  • Town facilities on site for maintenance equipment and supplies

When will the gravel road in front of Pogadl park get paved?


Learn about the project

In 2016, members of the Pogadl family generously donated 20 acres of land to the Town of Sylvan Lake. They made the donation in the name of Ed and Glenda Pogadl for a sports and recreation park. Pogadl park is a long-term project spanning many years.


  • Provides recreational facilities for sport, athletes, spectators,

  • Attracts and welcomes visitors to the Town

  • Retains significant natural features within the plan area for educational and ecological purposes

  • Provides overnight camping

  • Connects to the existing trail system

What facilities are complete?

  • Recreation facilities including baseball, slo-pitch, soccer, football and more

  • Co-operators Play Zone splash park and playground

  • Sylvan Lake Gulls Stadium

What facilities are planned?

  • Soccer fields, football field and building, court sports

  • Town facilities on site for maintenance equipment and supplies

When will the gravel road in front of Pogadl park get paved?


Learn about the project

Ask questions about Pogadl Park construction

Questions about Pogadl Park Construction

  • We are listening
  • If you have questions about Pogadl Park construction, ask them here
  • We are doing our best to answer as quickly as we can

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  • Share Is the campground open yet? on Facebook Share Is the campground open yet? on Twitter Share Is the campground open yet? on Linkedin Email Is the campground open yet? link

    Is the campground open yet?

    Darby asked 10 days ago

    Hello Darby,

    Yes, the campground is open. Check out the details here.

  • Share Following up on the tennis court question, still wondering how many courts are in the design, I can’t tell with the label ‘Tennis Courts’, covering it in the map. Also, will the tennis courts be marked out for both tennis and pickleball? Pickleball players of Sylvan have brought up the concern of only 4 outdoor courts. If the tennis courts were marked for both, that would give the Pickleball club great opportunities to host tournaments and events and handle the local as well as tourist crowds. on Facebook Share Following up on the tennis court question, still wondering how many courts are in the design, I can’t tell with the label ‘Tennis Courts’, covering it in the map. Also, will the tennis courts be marked out for both tennis and pickleball? Pickleball players of Sylvan have brought up the concern of only 4 outdoor courts. If the tennis courts were marked for both, that would give the Pickleball club great opportunities to host tournaments and events and handle the local as well as tourist crowds. on Twitter Share Following up on the tennis court question, still wondering how many courts are in the design, I can’t tell with the label ‘Tennis Courts’, covering it in the map. Also, will the tennis courts be marked out for both tennis and pickleball? Pickleball players of Sylvan have brought up the concern of only 4 outdoor courts. If the tennis courts were marked for both, that would give the Pickleball club great opportunities to host tournaments and events and handle the local as well as tourist crowds. on Linkedin Email Following up on the tennis court question, still wondering how many courts are in the design, I can’t tell with the label ‘Tennis Courts’, covering it in the map. Also, will the tennis courts be marked out for both tennis and pickleball? Pickleball players of Sylvan have brought up the concern of only 4 outdoor courts. If the tennis courts were marked for both, that would give the Pickleball club great opportunities to host tournaments and events and handle the local as well as tourist crowds. link

    Following up on the tennis court question, still wondering how many courts are in the design, I can’t tell with the label ‘Tennis Courts’, covering it in the map. Also, will the tennis courts be marked out for both tennis and pickleball? Pickleball players of Sylvan have brought up the concern of only 4 outdoor courts. If the tennis courts were marked for both, that would give the Pickleball club great opportunities to host tournaments and events and handle the local as well as tourist crowds.

    Ang asked 3 months ago

    Hi Ang, 

    The plans include 2 tennis courts and 4 pickleball courtsWe are constructing the courts to allow for multiple sport uses. Your idea for dual markings is fantastic! We are saving your idea for consideration when we begin construction planning. 

    Thanks for taking the time to provide this helpful suggestion. We feel grateful for all the amazing Lakers who are making our community better.  

    Ron Lebsack, Director of Parks & Protective Services

  • Share Hello! They are working so hard on this project, its very exciting. When can we expect to be able to book campground? Do you think it will open by August long? Thanks, any info is greatly appreciated :)) on Facebook Share Hello! They are working so hard on this project, its very exciting. When can we expect to be able to book campground? Do you think it will open by August long? Thanks, any info is greatly appreciated :)) on Twitter Share Hello! They are working so hard on this project, its very exciting. When can we expect to be able to book campground? Do you think it will open by August long? Thanks, any info is greatly appreciated :)) on Linkedin Email Hello! They are working so hard on this project, its very exciting. When can we expect to be able to book campground? Do you think it will open by August long? Thanks, any info is greatly appreciated :)) link

    Hello! They are working so hard on this project, its very exciting. When can we expect to be able to book campground? Do you think it will open by August long? Thanks, any info is greatly appreciated :))

    Sari asked about 1 month ago

    Hello Sari, 

    Thanks for asking! The campground is under construction as we speak. We are hoping to have the campground open in July, but this is dependent on weather and other construction factors. We will post the opening date as soon as we know for sure! 

    Ron Lebsack,
    Director of Parks and Protective Services

  • Share Are there plans to put in a trail connecting Brookstone Drive and the trail to the north of Lucky Place? If so, any idea when? on Facebook Share Are there plans to put in a trail connecting Brookstone Drive and the trail to the north of Lucky Place? If so, any idea when? on Twitter Share Are there plans to put in a trail connecting Brookstone Drive and the trail to the north of Lucky Place? If so, any idea when? on Linkedin Email Are there plans to put in a trail connecting Brookstone Drive and the trail to the north of Lucky Place? If so, any idea when? link

    Are there plans to put in a trail connecting Brookstone Drive and the trail to the north of Lucky Place? If so, any idea when?

    Levi asked 2 months ago

    Hi Levi, 

    We appreciate the time you took out of your day to ask about future trail development in our community. This question wasn't directly related to Pogadl Park, so we are answering it the General Questions area on this website.

  • Share Would the town consider less tennis courts and more pickleball courts ? 4 courts are not going to be enough . Are the tennis courts projected for 2030 as well ? on Facebook Share Would the town consider less tennis courts and more pickleball courts ? 4 courts are not going to be enough . Are the tennis courts projected for 2030 as well ? on Twitter Share Would the town consider less tennis courts and more pickleball courts ? 4 courts are not going to be enough . Are the tennis courts projected for 2030 as well ? on Linkedin Email Would the town consider less tennis courts and more pickleball courts ? 4 courts are not going to be enough . Are the tennis courts projected for 2030 as well ? link

    Would the town consider less tennis courts and more pickleball courts ? 4 courts are not going to be enough . Are the tennis courts projected for 2030 as well ?

    Jody Muth asked 2 months ago

    Hi Jody, 

    Thanks for taking the time to send in your question. Yes, the tennis courts are planned for 2030We’ve answered the question of changing plans foPogadl Park here.   

    Lakers can speed up the process to get more courts  

    We recognize how important pickleball is to local players. Tax funding alone is often not enough to fund projects. As economic pressures increase, our whole community must come together. We've seen great success with Lakers coming together for projects:  

    Please feel free to post again if you have any more questions.  

  • Share Hello, It’s hard to tell from the map, how many tennis courts are in the design plans? on Facebook Share Hello, It’s hard to tell from the map, how many tennis courts are in the design plans? on Twitter Share Hello, It’s hard to tell from the map, how many tennis courts are in the design plans? on Linkedin Email Hello, It’s hard to tell from the map, how many tennis courts are in the design plans? link

    Hello, It’s hard to tell from the map, how many tennis courts are in the design plans?

    Ang asked 3 months ago

    Hello Ang,

    If you haven't already, open the approved design concept:

    1. Under Important Links, click Pogadl Design
    2. News Feed under The design plan news post 

    The tennis courts are located just east of the irrigation lake. The irrigation lake is in the north west corner of the map.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to ask another question anytime. 

  • Share Is there any chance that we could get more than 4 courts . We are now running at 26 plus consisting at the community centre . There is new players joining all the time . We will outgrow 4 courts before they are built . on Facebook Share Is there any chance that we could get more than 4 courts . We are now running at 26 plus consisting at the community centre . There is new players joining all the time . We will outgrow 4 courts before they are built . on Twitter Share Is there any chance that we could get more than 4 courts . We are now running at 26 plus consisting at the community centre . There is new players joining all the time . We will outgrow 4 courts before they are built . on Linkedin Email Is there any chance that we could get more than 4 courts . We are now running at 26 plus consisting at the community centre . There is new players joining all the time . We will outgrow 4 courts before they are built . link

    Is there any chance that we could get more than 4 courts . We are now running at 26 plus consisting at the community centre . There is new players joining all the time . We will outgrow 4 courts before they are built .

    asked 4 months ago


    Thanks for asking this great question.

    Why can’t we change construction plans? 

    • New facilities and parks are designed years in advance  
    • Planning makes sure money is not wasted by repeating construction unnecessarily  
    • Once the design is finalized and construction begins, the design is no longer flexible  
    • The design is not flexible due to the massive costs associated with a redesign. It’s not just the redesign of the courts. If you redesign one part, you impact the design of all the other components of the park 

    Even though we’d love to add more courts, we must recognize, and balance needs and wants. Wants are a lower priority than projects that have significant impacts on the well-being of the whole community. I know that this probably isn’t the answer you were hoping for. In an ideal world, we could do all projects without limitations, but responsibly managing our tax dollars comes with some tough choices. We don’t have plans for more courts yet. 

    Lakers can speed up the process to get more courts 

    We recognize how important pickleball is to local players. Tax funding alone is often not enough to fund projects. As economic pressures increase, our whole community must come together. We've seen great success with Lakers coming together for projects: 

    The Town and Council welcome your questions. Feel free to contact Council or submit another question on engage.sylvanlake.ca. 

    Ron Lebsack, Director of Park and Protective Services 

  • Share Are you going to speed up the timeframe for pickleball courts and will you consider increasing the number of courts. I’ve been looking at cities in western Canada and 6-8 seems to be the minimum but even that is not enough to host tournaments. Sport is growing rapidly and our group to 20 has parents and teenage children/young adults all playing together. on Facebook Share Are you going to speed up the timeframe for pickleball courts and will you consider increasing the number of courts. I’ve been looking at cities in western Canada and 6-8 seems to be the minimum but even that is not enough to host tournaments. Sport is growing rapidly and our group to 20 has parents and teenage children/young adults all playing together. on Twitter Share Are you going to speed up the timeframe for pickleball courts and will you consider increasing the number of courts. I’ve been looking at cities in western Canada and 6-8 seems to be the minimum but even that is not enough to host tournaments. Sport is growing rapidly and our group to 20 has parents and teenage children/young adults all playing together. on Linkedin Email Are you going to speed up the timeframe for pickleball courts and will you consider increasing the number of courts. I’ve been looking at cities in western Canada and 6-8 seems to be the minimum but even that is not enough to host tournaments. Sport is growing rapidly and our group to 20 has parents and teenage children/young adults all playing together. link

    Are you going to speed up the timeframe for pickleball courts and will you consider increasing the number of courts. I’ve been looking at cities in western Canada and 6-8 seems to be the minimum but even that is not enough to host tournaments. Sport is growing rapidly and our group to 20 has parents and teenage children/young adults all playing together.

    Darcy asked 9 months ago

    Hi Darcy, 

    We are planning to build the 4 pickleball courts in 2030. Future development dates are estimates because we plan as funding becomes available.  

    Why can’t we speed up construction? 

    • To make sure we don’t waste money, we carefully plan the order of when each part of the park is built 
    • For example, we must build underground infrastructure like water mains first. If we built a court first, we’d have to rip that up to install the water mains 
    • There are many parts of the Pogadl project that must be completed before building courts to efficiently manage the project and save money

    This is the normal process of how multi-year capital projects work: 

    • The order of construction is not flexible 
    • Construction follows a plan and order of completion 
    • Timelines are flexible due to factors like weather, but the order of construction is not

    We’d love to build new pickleball facilities!  

    But we must recognize, and balance needs and wants. Wants are a lower priority than projects that have significant impacts on the well-being of the whole community. I know that this probably isn’t the answer you were hoping for. In an ideal world, we could do all projects without limitations, but responsibly managing our tax dollars comes with some tough choices. 

    How did other projects get funding? 

    Even though we can’t make changes to Pogadl Park construction, we are still listening. We recognize how important pickleball is to local players. Tax funding alone is often not enough to fund projects. As economic pressures increase, our whole community must come together. We've seen great success with Lakers coming together for projects: 

    The Town and Council welcome your questions. Feel free to contact Council or submit another question on engage.sylvanlake.ca. 

    Ron Lebsack, Director of Park and Protective Services 

  • Share Are you going to put changing rooms for the umpires who work at the softball diamonds, as changing on full view of the public can be embarrassing, especially for the younger umpires who have to work there on Facebook Share Are you going to put changing rooms for the umpires who work at the softball diamonds, as changing on full view of the public can be embarrassing, especially for the younger umpires who have to work there on Twitter Share Are you going to put changing rooms for the umpires who work at the softball diamonds, as changing on full view of the public can be embarrassing, especially for the younger umpires who have to work there on Linkedin Email Are you going to put changing rooms for the umpires who work at the softball diamonds, as changing on full view of the public can be embarrassing, especially for the younger umpires who have to work there link

    Are you going to put changing rooms for the umpires who work at the softball diamonds, as changing on full view of the public can be embarrassing, especially for the younger umpires who have to work there

    Jemo asked 9 months ago

    Hi Jemo,  

    There are no plans to build change rooms at the quad ball diamonds in Pogadl Park. In 2024, we are building a washroom facility where people can change. The Town is building the washroom in the south end of the park.  

    Thank you for asking Jemo! It shows you care about our community. Feel free to submit another question!  

    Ron Lebsack, Director of Parks and Protective Services 

  • Share would there be any consideration in building a soccer stadium that would host the new League One soccer league? This is a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor. With the success of the gulls' baseball team and the corporate and local fan support, I think this would be very good for Sylvan Lake. With a team in this league, there could be a perfect chance of hosting a CPL team right here in Sylvan Lake. I would hope that this is something that is taken into consideration. on Facebook Share would there be any consideration in building a soccer stadium that would host the new League One soccer league? This is a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor. With the success of the gulls' baseball team and the corporate and local fan support, I think this would be very good for Sylvan Lake. With a team in this league, there could be a perfect chance of hosting a CPL team right here in Sylvan Lake. I would hope that this is something that is taken into consideration. on Twitter Share would there be any consideration in building a soccer stadium that would host the new League One soccer league? This is a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor. With the success of the gulls' baseball team and the corporate and local fan support, I think this would be very good for Sylvan Lake. With a team in this league, there could be a perfect chance of hosting a CPL team right here in Sylvan Lake. I would hope that this is something that is taken into consideration. on Linkedin Email would there be any consideration in building a soccer stadium that would host the new League One soccer league? This is a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor. With the success of the gulls' baseball team and the corporate and local fan support, I think this would be very good for Sylvan Lake. With a team in this league, there could be a perfect chance of hosting a CPL team right here in Sylvan Lake. I would hope that this is something that is taken into consideration. link

    would there be any consideration in building a soccer stadium that would host the new League One soccer league? This is a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor. With the success of the gulls' baseball team and the corporate and local fan support, I think this would be very good for Sylvan Lake. With a team in this league, there could be a perfect chance of hosting a CPL team right here in Sylvan Lake. I would hope that this is something that is taken into consideration.

    BillM asked 7 months ago

    Hi Bill, 

    Thank you for submitting your forward thinking and ambitious ideas! We agree, the Gull's stadium is a success. We'd love another stadium in Sylvan Lake too. At this time, the Town does not have any plans to build a soccer stadium.  

    The Town did not build or pay for the stadium, even though it's inside the park. The Gulls Baseball company built and funded the stadium (Gulls Field at Pogadl Park). The Town is funding and building the other park amenities.  

    The Town is happy to consider any team who wants to start their business here. Thanks again for caring about Sylvan Lake, and feel free to submit another question! 

    Ron Lebsack, Director of Parks and Protective Services 

Page last updated: 17 Jul 2024, 08:56 AM