2024 Budget

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The budget process for 2024 is now complete. 

You can still ask questions about the 2024 budget: 

2025 Budget

  • Budgeting for 2025 starts in summer 2024
  • The 2025 budget page will be posted on engage.sylvanlake.ca

2024 Budgeting is Complete

We are making changes! It's getting tougher out there financially and we are striving to do more with less. That process comes with some tough decision making, and we need your help.

1. Have your say before budget planning starts

  • We are asking for your feedback before staff begin preparing their budgets for 2024
  • Tell us what your priorities are by completing the resident priorities survey
  • Join Council at the Info Night Fun Fest to and tell us what you'd keep or kick to balance the budget

2. Building the 2024 draft budget (Town staff)

  • Survey results give staff and Council a clearer picture of what Lakers want in the 2024 budget
  • Staff and Council use the survey results to help plan and budget
  • Staff from each division and department prepare their changes: increases, decreases, savings, new projects, and staffing requests
  • Staff take this information and compile a document outlining the budget and changes

3. 2024 Draft budget deliberations (Town staff)

  • Directors, managers, and staff from each department present their draft budget requests and information to Council
  • Council asks questions, requests changes, and works with staff to ensure resident priorities are heard
  • Council approves a draft budget

Have your say about the 2024 draft budget

  • Come to the draft budget open house to give your feedback on the draft budget
  • Read the 2024 Draft Budget brochure
  • After reviewing the brochure, tell us what you think of the 2024 draft budget by leaving a question in the budget Ask & Answered
  • All residential homes are sent a postcard with budget highlights. Contact us if you do not receive one


Have your say

2024 Budgeting is Complete

We are making changes! It's getting tougher out there financially and we are striving to do more with less. That process comes with some tough decision making, and we need your help.

1. Have your say before budget planning starts

  • We are asking for your feedback before staff begin preparing their budgets for 2024
  • Tell us what your priorities are by completing the resident priorities survey
  • Join Council at the Info Night Fun Fest to and tell us what you'd keep or kick to balance the budget

2. Building the 2024 draft budget (Town staff)

  • Survey results give staff and Council a clearer picture of what Lakers want in the 2024 budget
  • Staff and Council use the survey results to help plan and budget
  • Staff from each division and department prepare their changes: increases, decreases, savings, new projects, and staffing requests
  • Staff take this information and compile a document outlining the budget and changes

3. 2024 Draft budget deliberations (Town staff)

  • Directors, managers, and staff from each department present their draft budget requests and information to Council
  • Council asks questions, requests changes, and works with staff to ensure resident priorities are heard
  • Council approves a draft budget

Have your say about the 2024 draft budget

  • Come to the draft budget open house to give your feedback on the draft budget
  • Read the 2024 Draft Budget brochure
  • After reviewing the brochure, tell us what you think of the 2024 draft budget by leaving a question in the budget Ask & Answered
  • All residential homes are sent a postcard with budget highlights. Contact us if you do not receive one


Have your say

The budget process for 2024 is now complete. 

You can still ask questions about the 2024 budget: 

2025 Budget

  • Budgeting for 2025 starts in summer 2024
  • The 2025 budget page will be posted on engage.sylvanlake.ca

Questions about the 2024 Budget?

  • If you have questions about the 2024 Budget ask them here
  • We are listening and doing our best to answer as quickly as we can

Got an answer but have more questions?

  • Have more questions?
  • Need clarification about the answer you received?
  • Want to reply to the answer you received?
  • Please submit a new question as our system doesn't offer conversation threads

Questions about something else? 

  • Share I,m not in favor of raising our property taxes some more. Why can we not cut some projects or services instead. I sure can live with this. You just finished raising them last year. on Facebook Share I,m not in favor of raising our property taxes some more. Why can we not cut some projects or services instead. I sure can live with this. You just finished raising them last year. on Twitter Share I,m not in favor of raising our property taxes some more. Why can we not cut some projects or services instead. I sure can live with this. You just finished raising them last year. on Linkedin Email I,m not in favor of raising our property taxes some more. Why can we not cut some projects or services instead. I sure can live with this. You just finished raising them last year. link

    I,m not in favor of raising our property taxes some more. Why can we not cut some projects or services instead. I sure can live with this. You just finished raising them last year.

    Jerry asked 7 months ago

    Hi Jerry, 

    Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns about the proposed property tax increase. I appreciate your engagement and understand the importance of fiscal responsibility in our community. 

    While I acknowledge your preference for exploring alternative cost-saving measures, it's important to note that we carefully considered this aspect during the budgeting process. Prior to beginning our budgeting process, we put a survey out to all residents and heard back that the most favourable tax strategy (by a substantial margin) was to ‘increase taxes by inflation to maintain services’. The community feedback provided a clear direction to prioritize maintenance over drastic cuts, as reflected in the final budget number we presented. 

    We recognize that any tax increase can be challenging, especially in close succession. However, it allows us to ensure the continued provision of essential services that contribute to the well-being of our community. We are committed to being transparent and accountable in our decision-making process, and we appreciate your understanding of the careful balance required to meet the needs of our residents. 

    If you have specific suggestions for projects or services that you believe can be reevaluated or reduced, please share them with us. We are always open to exploring options that align with the best interests of our residents. 

    Thank you again for your thoughtful feedback, I look forward to continued collaboration in making informed decisions for the benefit of our community. 

    Thank you,
    Megan Hanson, Mayor 

  • Share In the graph labeled “Tax Rate Increase History and the Consumer Price Index” is there a reason that commercial tax increases do not mirror residential tax increases? Specifically, years 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2019 show residential tax increases but no increase for commercial taxes. To an outsider that appears to be a bias or unfair advantage in favour of local businesses. Have regulations since changed to prevent a discrepancy between the two groups? on Facebook Share In the graph labeled “Tax Rate Increase History and the Consumer Price Index” is there a reason that commercial tax increases do not mirror residential tax increases? Specifically, years 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2019 show residential tax increases but no increase for commercial taxes. To an outsider that appears to be a bias or unfair advantage in favour of local businesses. Have regulations since changed to prevent a discrepancy between the two groups? on Twitter Share In the graph labeled “Tax Rate Increase History and the Consumer Price Index” is there a reason that commercial tax increases do not mirror residential tax increases? Specifically, years 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2019 show residential tax increases but no increase for commercial taxes. To an outsider that appears to be a bias or unfair advantage in favour of local businesses. Have regulations since changed to prevent a discrepancy between the two groups? on Linkedin Email In the graph labeled “Tax Rate Increase History and the Consumer Price Index” is there a reason that commercial tax increases do not mirror residential tax increases? Specifically, years 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2019 show residential tax increases but no increase for commercial taxes. To an outsider that appears to be a bias or unfair advantage in favour of local businesses. Have regulations since changed to prevent a discrepancy between the two groups? link

    In the graph labeled “Tax Rate Increase History and the Consumer Price Index” is there a reason that commercial tax increases do not mirror residential tax increases? Specifically, years 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2019 show residential tax increases but no increase for commercial taxes. To an outsider that appears to be a bias or unfair advantage in favour of local businesses. Have regulations since changed to prevent a discrepancy between the two groups?

    MyScreenName asked 8 months ago

    Hi My ScreenName, 

    Thank you for reading the materials so carefully and asking this thoughtful question.  

    At the time, we noticed that we had too many homes and not enough businesses to achieve an ideal tax balance. So, we needed to get more businesses to come to Sylvan Lake. We also noticed that our commercial tax rate was higher than other communities like Sylvan Lake. 

    We needed to make Sylvan Lake a more attractive place to do business. For those years we set the commercial tax at zero to attract new businesses to:  

    1. Improve our economy 
    2. Create a balanced tax base between resident and commercial property taxes 
    3. Make it fair for both commercial property owners and for residential property owners 
    4. Freeze taxes until our commercial rates were more in line with our neighbours 


    Going forward we are trying different ways to get more businesses in our town. We hope this helps us stay competitive with other communities in the long run. 

    Feel free to ask another question! 

    Megan Hanson, Mayor 

  • Share What was the tax increase last year ? on Facebook Share What was the tax increase last year ? on Twitter Share What was the tax increase last year ? on Linkedin Email What was the tax increase last year ? link

    What was the tax increase last year ?

    Ross asked 8 months ago

    Hi Ross,

    Information on the previous year's budgets are housed here: sylvanlake.ca/budget

    On April 24, 2023, Council approved a 5.51% tax rate increase for both residential and non-residential properties

    Feel free to submit another question!

  • Share At what point will growth meet the ability to keep taxes from going up by these insane %? As interest rates and inflation drop will we see zero increases? on Facebook Share At what point will growth meet the ability to keep taxes from going up by these insane %? As interest rates and inflation drop will we see zero increases? on Twitter Share At what point will growth meet the ability to keep taxes from going up by these insane %? As interest rates and inflation drop will we see zero increases? on Linkedin Email At what point will growth meet the ability to keep taxes from going up by these insane %? As interest rates and inflation drop will we see zero increases? link

    At what point will growth meet the ability to keep taxes from going up by these insane %? As interest rates and inflation drop will we see zero increases?

    Steve asked 8 months ago

    Hello Steve,

    Thank you for the question, we always strive to be fiscally responsible and consider the questions you posed on an annual basis.

    You are correct that factors such as interest rates and inflation play a role in determining tax rates. As these variables fluctuate, it is possible that we may see some relief on our tax rate. However, it is worth noting that as growth occurs it will also require service levels to increase which puts additional pressures on our tax rate as well. 

    While I can’t predict the future, I am certain that on an annual basis council will carefully assess community growth, monitor interest rates and inflation, and make informed decisions to balance the need for funding public services with the goal of minimizing tax rate increases. 

    Mayor Megan Hanson

  • Share Will the town use the 50 street realignment (currently proposed in the 2024 budget) to connect the multi use paths along lakeshore to the rest of the paths in the community? Bikes and scooters sharing the sidewalks is unsafe in highly trafficked areas. Residents who live outside of walking distance are forced to drive, taking up valuable parking spaces. Protected space designated for bikes and scooters would bring residents through downtown on their way to the beach and bring the scooter and bike traffic to businesses on 50 street. on Facebook Share Will the town use the 50 street realignment (currently proposed in the 2024 budget) to connect the multi use paths along lakeshore to the rest of the paths in the community? Bikes and scooters sharing the sidewalks is unsafe in highly trafficked areas. Residents who live outside of walking distance are forced to drive, taking up valuable parking spaces. Protected space designated for bikes and scooters would bring residents through downtown on their way to the beach and bring the scooter and bike traffic to businesses on 50 street. on Twitter Share Will the town use the 50 street realignment (currently proposed in the 2024 budget) to connect the multi use paths along lakeshore to the rest of the paths in the community? Bikes and scooters sharing the sidewalks is unsafe in highly trafficked areas. Residents who live outside of walking distance are forced to drive, taking up valuable parking spaces. Protected space designated for bikes and scooters would bring residents through downtown on their way to the beach and bring the scooter and bike traffic to businesses on 50 street. on Linkedin Email Will the town use the 50 street realignment (currently proposed in the 2024 budget) to connect the multi use paths along lakeshore to the rest of the paths in the community? Bikes and scooters sharing the sidewalks is unsafe in highly trafficked areas. Residents who live outside of walking distance are forced to drive, taking up valuable parking spaces. Protected space designated for bikes and scooters would bring residents through downtown on their way to the beach and bring the scooter and bike traffic to businesses on 50 street. link

    Will the town use the 50 street realignment (currently proposed in the 2024 budget) to connect the multi use paths along lakeshore to the rest of the paths in the community? Bikes and scooters sharing the sidewalks is unsafe in highly trafficked areas. Residents who live outside of walking distance are forced to drive, taking up valuable parking spaces. Protected space designated for bikes and scooters would bring residents through downtown on their way to the beach and bring the scooter and bike traffic to businesses on 50 street.

    Byronrogy asked 8 months ago

    Hello Byronrogy,

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your question and safety concern. It's important for residents to take part in creating Sylvan Lake they'd like to live in.

    We agree with your safety concerns. However, our downtown area is the oldest part of town. It was built before trail networks were part of Sylvan Lake. Connecting the trail networks through downtown would mean demolishing long-existing buildings. Because of this, we are not connecting the Lakeshore paths to the trail network.

    Safety is important
    We planned safety upgrades for 50 Street and nearby areas, including:

    • Widening sidewalks
    • Improving sight lines and increased street lighting
    • Making the area more pedestrian-friendly
    • Redesigning the 50 Avenue and Lakeshore Drive intersection and adding traffic lights

    When will 50 Street and area upgrades begin?

    • The first phase of the 50 Street project begins in 2024 with 50 Avenue and 50 Street intersection improvements
    • We hope to start phase 2 construction on 50 Street  in 2027 (50 Avenue to Lakeshore Drive)
    • Stay tuned for updates on next year's intersection construction

    We appreciate your feedback, so feel free to submit a new question if needed.

    Eric Boudreau, Engineering Services Manager, Public Works

  • Share Why is the town of Sylvan letting our beach front be over run by visitors and tourists and make such a mess and destroy the echo System of the water and land use. Resident avoid the area due to this. Residents that pay taxes and pay for the cleanup and all the activities are getting shafted. We are the tax payers and the residents are on the hook for visitors to enjoy and destroy. Frustrating is there that the town feels the visitors are higher priority then the residents. on Facebook Share Why is the town of Sylvan letting our beach front be over run by visitors and tourists and make such a mess and destroy the echo System of the water and land use. Resident avoid the area due to this. Residents that pay taxes and pay for the cleanup and all the activities are getting shafted. We are the tax payers and the residents are on the hook for visitors to enjoy and destroy. Frustrating is there that the town feels the visitors are higher priority then the residents. on Twitter Share Why is the town of Sylvan letting our beach front be over run by visitors and tourists and make such a mess and destroy the echo System of the water and land use. Resident avoid the area due to this. Residents that pay taxes and pay for the cleanup and all the activities are getting shafted. We are the tax payers and the residents are on the hook for visitors to enjoy and destroy. Frustrating is there that the town feels the visitors are higher priority then the residents. on Linkedin Email Why is the town of Sylvan letting our beach front be over run by visitors and tourists and make such a mess and destroy the echo System of the water and land use. Resident avoid the area due to this. Residents that pay taxes and pay for the cleanup and all the activities are getting shafted. We are the tax payers and the residents are on the hook for visitors to enjoy and destroy. Frustrating is there that the town feels the visitors are higher priority then the residents. link

    Why is the town of Sylvan letting our beach front be over run by visitors and tourists and make such a mess and destroy the echo System of the water and land use. Resident avoid the area due to this. Residents that pay taxes and pay for the cleanup and all the activities are getting shafted. We are the tax payers and the residents are on the hook for visitors to enjoy and destroy. Frustrating is there that the town feels the visitors are higher priority then the residents.

    Jm asked about 1 year ago

    Hi Jm,

    You are correct that residents do pay taxes that go towards upkeep, maintenance and enforcement for the entire community, including part of the downtown and the lakefrontThat’s why in 2017 we created the visitor pay parking program. Thankfully, the program contributes a significant amount of revenue to help with the upkeep, maintenance, and enforcement costs downtown and in the lakefront parks. 

    Ron Lebsack
    Director of Parks and Protective Services

  • Share With speeding a constant concern in Sylvan why not look at photo radar to control the problem and in return have the moneys return back to supporting the residents of the community? Always here the same complaints but nothing has changed to correct the situation. Summer time is a drag race on almost every main artery in Sylvan. on Facebook Share With speeding a constant concern in Sylvan why not look at photo radar to control the problem and in return have the moneys return back to supporting the residents of the community? Always here the same complaints but nothing has changed to correct the situation. Summer time is a drag race on almost every main artery in Sylvan. on Twitter Share With speeding a constant concern in Sylvan why not look at photo radar to control the problem and in return have the moneys return back to supporting the residents of the community? Always here the same complaints but nothing has changed to correct the situation. Summer time is a drag race on almost every main artery in Sylvan. on Linkedin Email With speeding a constant concern in Sylvan why not look at photo radar to control the problem and in return have the moneys return back to supporting the residents of the community? Always here the same complaints but nothing has changed to correct the situation. Summer time is a drag race on almost every main artery in Sylvan. link

    With speeding a constant concern in Sylvan why not look at photo radar to control the problem and in return have the moneys return back to supporting the residents of the community? Always here the same complaints but nothing has changed to correct the situation. Summer time is a drag race on almost every main artery in Sylvan.

    Jm asked about 1 year ago

    Hi Jm,

    Photo radar is not an enforcement method that has been considered in Sylvan Lake as boots on the streets and officer presence is a more effective deterrent and use of resources.


    Ron Lebsack
    Director of Parks and Protective Services

  • Share Why is it so hard to find to find what interest the town is paying on the debt in the 2024 buget? Also why is the town involved using taxpayer money to provide a trailer park at Pogadi Park. This should be developed privately if required. It also ignores informing the public what the yearly maintenance costs will be. Thanks Rj on Facebook Share Why is it so hard to find to find what interest the town is paying on the debt in the 2024 buget? Also why is the town involved using taxpayer money to provide a trailer park at Pogadi Park. This should be developed privately if required. It also ignores informing the public what the yearly maintenance costs will be. Thanks Rj on Twitter Share Why is it so hard to find to find what interest the town is paying on the debt in the 2024 buget? Also why is the town involved using taxpayer money to provide a trailer park at Pogadi Park. This should be developed privately if required. It also ignores informing the public what the yearly maintenance costs will be. Thanks Rj on Linkedin Email Why is it so hard to find to find what interest the town is paying on the debt in the 2024 buget? Also why is the town involved using taxpayer money to provide a trailer park at Pogadi Park. This should be developed privately if required. It also ignores informing the public what the yearly maintenance costs will be. Thanks Rj link

    Why is it so hard to find to find what interest the town is paying on the debt in the 2024 buget? Also why is the town involved using taxpayer money to provide a trailer park at Pogadi Park. This should be developed privately if required. It also ignores informing the public what the yearly maintenance costs will be. Thanks Rj

    Rj asked 9 months ago

    Hello Rj,

    Thank you for your inquiry regarding the interest rates in the 2024 budget and the use of funds for a campground at Pogadl Park. I understand your concerns, and I appreciate the opportunity to provide you with the requested information.

    In the 2024 budget, the interest cost on the debt for Pogadi Park is projected to be $378,268. Additionally, the maintenance (operating) costs for the park are as follows: $56,900 for the year-to-date 2023 and a budgeted amount of $153,738 for the year 2024.

    Regarding the decision to utilize taxpayer money for the campground at Pogadl Park, this choice underwent extensive debate. Ultimately, the decision was made to support the park's specific needs. The on-site campground is strategically designed to enhance the park's usability, particularly for tournaments. This approach aligns with the operational models of many other recreational parks, allowing for more meaningful bookings and generating revenue through overnight RV costs and tournament reservations.

    While private development is an option, there were no indications of expansion plans from private campgrounds at the time of the decision. We consulted with all existing local campgrounds in Sylvan Lake during the decision-making process and received no objections. Notably, one campground was transitioning from short-term camping to seasonal lots, which deviated from the intended purpose of the Pogadi Park site.

    I hope this information addresses your concerns, and please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

    Megan Hanson

  • Share Ok how do you expect us senior citizens of Sylvan Lake to continue living where we’re living. We are also on a budget and you keep sending your budget higher and higher and taking from us and we don’t get paid big bucks like you do we are on a budget and our budget keeps getting smaller not bigger we’re tax to death as it is maybe you should come up with something for senior citizens to get discounts on their taxes and utilities, gas, and Hydro instead of keep taking from us on Facebook Share Ok how do you expect us senior citizens of Sylvan Lake to continue living where we’re living. We are also on a budget and you keep sending your budget higher and higher and taking from us and we don’t get paid big bucks like you do we are on a budget and our budget keeps getting smaller not bigger we’re tax to death as it is maybe you should come up with something for senior citizens to get discounts on their taxes and utilities, gas, and Hydro instead of keep taking from us on Twitter Share Ok how do you expect us senior citizens of Sylvan Lake to continue living where we’re living. We are also on a budget and you keep sending your budget higher and higher and taking from us and we don’t get paid big bucks like you do we are on a budget and our budget keeps getting smaller not bigger we’re tax to death as it is maybe you should come up with something for senior citizens to get discounts on their taxes and utilities, gas, and Hydro instead of keep taking from us on Linkedin Email Ok how do you expect us senior citizens of Sylvan Lake to continue living where we’re living. We are also on a budget and you keep sending your budget higher and higher and taking from us and we don’t get paid big bucks like you do we are on a budget and our budget keeps getting smaller not bigger we’re tax to death as it is maybe you should come up with something for senior citizens to get discounts on their taxes and utilities, gas, and Hydro instead of keep taking from us link

    Ok how do you expect us senior citizens of Sylvan Lake to continue living where we’re living. We are also on a budget and you keep sending your budget higher and higher and taking from us and we don’t get paid big bucks like you do we are on a budget and our budget keeps getting smaller not bigger we’re tax to death as it is maybe you should come up with something for senior citizens to get discounts on their taxes and utilities, gas, and Hydro instead of keep taking from us

    Joy krzikowsky asked 8 months ago

    Hello Joy,  

    Thank you for reaching out with your concerns. I understand your frustration and the challenges faced by senior citizens like yourself. I want to assure you that we are committed to keeping the quality of life as affordable as possible in Sylvan Lake. 

    I would like to clarify that the Municipal Government Act, which is the act we operate under, does not allow for different tax rates for different sectors of the population. This limitation restricts our ability to introduce specific tax discounts for senior citizens. However, we are conscious of the pressures you face and continuously assess our budgets to find ways to mitigate the financial burden on our residents.  

    I understand that rising budgets can be concerning, especially on a fixed income. I want to assure you that we strive to allocate resources responsibly while meeting the needs of our growing community. We carefully assess our budgets annually to strike a balance between maintaining essential services and minimizing the impact on taxpayers. 

    Although we cannot implement specific tax discounts for senior citizens due to legislative constraints, I would like to encourage you to explore other avenues that may help alleviate your financial burden. There may be financial assistance programs available through government or community organizations that can provide support with taxes, utilities, and other living expenses. Our Family & Community Support Services Senior Services may be able to connect you with resources. Call 403 887 1137. 

    I understand that these suggestions may not fully address your concerns, but I hope they provide some options to explore.   

    Please know that your feedback is appreciated. Thank you for being an active member of our community in making Sylvan Lake a great place to live for residents of all ages. 

    Mayor Megan Hanson