May 01 2030


May 1, 2030 is the deadline for the lagoon reclamation.

April 01 2022 → November 30 2024

ESTIMATED: Water monitoring

Work planned for 2022 - 2024 includes:

  • Semi-annual groundwater and surface water monitoring
  • Desludging cell 7 (dredging and recycling)  
August 01 → December 31 2023

COMPLETE: Monitoring

Work completed in 2023 :

  • Semi-annual ground water and surface water monitoring
April 01 → November 30 2022

COMPLETE: Monitoring contract awarded, plans, and surveys

Work completed in 2022 includes:

  • Three year (2022-24) annual groundwater and surface monitoring program awarded to WSPE & I CanadaLimited (consultants)
  • Sludge survey for Cells 7 and 8
  • Financial plan updated
April 01 → November 30 2021

COMPLETE: Planning and design

Work completed in 2021:

  • Phase III Environmental Site Assessment and preliminary design of proposed snow dump (Cell 7)
  • Land use/feasibility assessment options for storage cells
  • Groundwater monitoring
April 01 → November 30 2020

COMPLETE: Planning and studies

Work completed in 2020 includes:

  • The 10-year plan for reclamation was approved by Alberta Environment and Parks.The plan still must be approved by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA).
  • Groundwater monitoring
  • Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
  • Snow disposal site feasibility study
April 01 → November 29 2019


Work completed in 2019:

  • Phase II Environmental Site Assessment(started)
  • Snow disposal site feasibility study(started)
  • Learn the best way to reclaim the site and meet Government of Alberta regulations