Why is the Town looking to change secondary suite regulations?

    More residents are looking for flexible housing solutions. Expanding opportunities for secondary suites is the most cost-effective way to help address these conditions with minimal impact to density.

    What are the benefits of secondary suites?

    • Mortgage helper income
    • Supports multi-generational living
    • Housing for in-home care while still maintaining levels of independence
    • Meets the need for smaller more affordable rental units 
    • Serves our local labour force that struggles to find accommodations due to low vacancy rates
    • Meet increasing housing needs with no changes to the character of single detached neighbourhoods  

    Do secondary suites decrease property values?

    Secondary suites can actually increase property values by providing additional income potential and appealing to a broader range of buyers.

    Secondary suites lead to parking issues, true or false?

    False. The Town requires that adequate on-site parking is provided. A home with secondary suite will need to provide three (3) on-site, hard surfaced parking spaces, before being approved.

    How many secondary suites will be developed as a result of the changes?

    The Town is expecting approximately 26 new secondary suites over the next three (3) years.

    I think that secondary suites cause more noise and disruption in neighbourhoods so why is the Town supporting them?

    The addition of a secondary suites has not been proven to result in more noise or disruption.  The Town expects a minimal number of secondary suites to develop over the next five (5) years and not all homes will be able to accommodate them. The Town will monitor secondary suite development and re-introduce restrictions if required. 

    Do secondary suites require additional municipal infrastructure?

    No. And this is a benefit of secondary suites. These suites add more housing units without requiring additional roads, stormwater management, or water and sewer expansion.  

    I've heard elsewhere that the Housing Accelerator Fund requires communities to “blanket zone” residential districts for high density development. Is that true?

    No. The Town will not be required to “blanket zone” for higher density as a condition of our grant. Please refer to our Housing Accelerator Action Plan for details on the Town’s 7 initiatives.