Roadway Modernization, Accessibility, and Traffic Calming
The new Centennial Street design looks more inviting, calms traffic, and improves safety.
Increased accessibility
Wider sidewalks on both sides: More space for improved accessibility, outdoor street furniture, and pedestrian experience
Smoother sidewalks: Removing the trench gates for downspouts
Accessible stalls: Better positioned handicap parking stalls
Low profile rolled curbs: Makes entering and exiting a parked vehicle easier for all users
Traffic signal beeps: Audibles signals for vision impaired
Wider ramps at pedestrian crossings: Makes navigating with wheelchairs, assistive devices, and strollers easier
Textured pads at pedestrian crossings: Textured pads allow visually impaired persons to feel the end of the sidewalk
Improved building entrances: Smooth building entrances with no steps
New rooftop downspouts: Look better and make winter walking safer
Improved seating
Improved pedestrian walkability and safety
Adding crosswalks and curb bulb-outs: Why are bulb outs safer? They let pedestrians look past parked cars before crossing while staying off the road. The bulb outs also let drivers see walkers more easily
Lower speed limit: 30 Km/h on Centennial Street (from Lakeshore Drive to 48 Avenue)
New street lighting: Increases visibility
New traffic lights: Lights at Centennial Street and 50 Avenue synchronize with the CN railway gates. Lights also have audible signals for the vision impaired
Lowered congestion: Lights at Centennial Street and Lakeshore Drive are programmable to improve flow during road closures and events. This light uses a scramble style pedestrian crossing. This crossing style lowers accident rates.
Greenery and water conservation
We are planting new trees in soil cells to keep the trees healthy and growing. Soil cells have subdrains for watering
Soil cells:
Conserve water. They harvest water from sidewalks through permeable pavers and rooftop downspouts
Can be installed at much shallow grades than standard storm water pipes so roads can be built directly above. This means that no extra space is needed to significantly improve the road and sidewalk
Provide a space for root systems to grow without damaging surrounding infrastructure
Are filled with engineered soils. This soil cleans run off water run before it enters our storm water and Sylvan Lake
Slow down how fast storm water moves through the system. The trees planted in the cells drink a lot of water, which reduces storm water levels
Aesthetic enhancements
New raised flower beds.
New trees planted strategically to allow access and views of businesses and still provide shade and greenery.
Improved open spaces to allow for art displays, event staging, or business displays along sidewalks.
Improved seating and amenities for the public
Decorative bollards
What's staying the same
- 2-way traffic
- Parallel parking along both sides of the road

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