October 12, 2023 Update

Progress on the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection is slightly delayed due to the recent rainfalls. The project is on budget. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.

What's new

  • Rainfall halts construction progress, so we have a slight delay
  • Started October 9 - 13: Fortis started streetlight installation

Next Tasks

  • Work being finished October 16 - 20:
    • Concrete work
    • The first layer of asphalt paving (west of 46 Street)
    • Landscaping
  • Work being finished October 23 - 27:
    • Underground utilities

Concrete and streetlight installationsConcrete and streetlight installations

Concrete and streetlight installationsConcrete installations

Streamlining Construction Schedules for 2024

  • 50 Avenue is now open from 50 Street to 46 Street
  • 50 Avenue is remaining open over the winter, until construction resumes in spring 2024
  • Construction on the library parking lot is underway. This parking lot is above much underground infrastructure (water, sewer), and completing this work in 2023 helps us to shorten construction schedules in 2024. This shortens how much construction must be done during the buy summer season
  • This work includes relocating the water and sewer lines from underneath 50 Avenue, to underneath the parking lot (49 Street to 50 Street). If we need repairs in the future, 50 Avenue won't be disrupted along this important economic corridor
  • Doing the work in the fall of 2023 instead of spring/summer 2024:
    • Minimizes impacts on the businesses in the area
    • Reduces how much work we need to do in 2024, which makes 2024 construction faster
    • Gives underground work and earth time to settle over the winter of 2023 / 2024. This means that any problems from settling, like dips or cracks, can be corrected in spring 2024. This should create a smoother surface in the future
    • Surface work (paving, concrete, line painting, street lights, etc.) can start earlier in 2024, which means we can finish paving in 2024 instead of 2025
    • Keeps us on schedule with the new wastewater trunk main line. The new line is part of a separate project we are doing together with the Sylvan Lake Regional Wastewater Commission (SLRWWC). The new line can't go forward until the 50 Avenue work is done

Access to businesses during construction

  • All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open

  • Varsity Mall: all accesses open, please watch for construction traffic

  • Dairy Queen: all accesses open, please watch for construction traffic

  • Railway Plaza: all accesses open, please watch for construction traffic

  • Monarchos Centre: all accesses open, please watch for construction traffic

  • Library: Access from 50 Avenue. The east side of the library parking lot is closed, the west side is open

  • Party Chef: Access from 50 Avenue and 49 Street (Concrete sidewalk work taking place on Monday October 16 because Party Chef is regularly closed on Mondays)

Learn more


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