August 16, 2023 update

Progress on the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection is on schedule and on budget. All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open.

Next Tasks

  • Finishing replacing aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services to the west of Dairy Queen

  • Finishing road construction before opening 50 Avenue from 46 Street to 47 Street. This section stays gravel until we are ready for first lift of asphalt paving in September

  • Starting August 17: Close 50 Avenue from 47 Street to 49 Street. 47 Street remains open including turns east onto 50 Avenue. Check out the detour plan

  • Instead of closing the whole area at once, construction starts at 47 Street and works westward along 50 Avenue towards 49 Street. This is so the 50 Avenue and 49 Street intersection can remain open for as long as possible

  • Start construction of new street lighting from 45 Street to 49 Street

Completed Tasks: July 26 – August 15

Phase 3, Stage 3

  • 50 Avenue, from Dairy Queen to Monarchos Centre

Road Surface Infrastructure

  • July 31 - August 4: First lift of asphalt paving complete at the 50 Avenue and 46 Street intersection

  • The intersection will remain open for the 2023 season. In 2024, the intersection will close again for a short time to place the final lift of asphalt, paint lines, and finalize the construction

50 Avenue from 46 Street to 47 Street opening soon50 Avenue from 46 Street to 47 Street opening soon

Underground Infrastructure

  • Completed replacing aging underground infrastructure, water mains, sanitary mains, storm mains, and lot services from Dairy Queen to Monarchos Centre


  • Replaced all shallow utilities such as power, gas, and cable to the west of Dairy Queen

Access to businesses during construction

  • All downtown businesses in the 50 Avenue Redevelopment construction area are open

  • Varsity Mall: access from 46 Street and 50 Avenue

  • Dairy Queen: access from 50 Avenue

  • Railway Plaza: access from both the east and west

  • Monarchos Centre: access from east entrance only

  • Library: Access from west parking lot

  • Party Chef: Access from 50 Avenue and 49 Street

Learn more


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