2025 Budget

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We are making changes! It's getting tougher out there financially and we are striving to do more with less. That process comes with some tough decision making, and we need your help.

1. Have your say before budget planning starts

  • We are asking for your feedback before staff begin preparing their budgets for 2025
  • Tell us what your priorities are by completing the resident priorities survey
  • Join Council at the Info Night Fun Fest September 5 to and tell us what you'd keep or kick to balance the budget

2. Building the 2025 draft budget (Town staff)

We are making changes! It's getting tougher out there financially and we are striving to do more with less. That process comes with some tough decision making, and we need your help.

1. Have your say before budget planning starts

  • We are asking for your feedback before staff begin preparing their budgets for 2025
  • Tell us what your priorities are by completing the resident priorities survey
  • Join Council at the Info Night Fun Fest September 5 to and tell us what you'd keep or kick to balance the budget

2. Building the 2025 draft budget (Town staff)

  • Survey results give staff and Council a clearer picture of what Lakers want in the 2025 budget
  • Staff and Council use the survey results to help plan and budget
  • Staff from each division and department prepare their changes: increases, decreases, savings, new projects, and staffing requests
  • Staff take this information and compile a document outlining the budget and changes

3. 2025 Draft budget deliberations (Town staff)

  • Directors, managers, and staff from each department present their draft budget requests and information to Council
  • Council asks questions, requests changes, and works with staff to ensure resident priorities are heard
  • Council approves a draft budget

4. Have your say about the 2025 draft budget

  • Come to the draft budget open house to give your feedback on the draft budget
  • Read the 2025 Draft Budget brochure
  • After reviewing the brochure, tell us what you think of the 2025 draft budget by leaving a question in the budget Ask & Answered
  • All residential homes are sent a postcard with budget highlights. Contact us if you do not receive one


  • Resident priorities survey: September 4 - October 31, 2024
  • Budget chat with Council at the Info Night Fun Fest: September 5, 2024
  • Draft budget open house: January 29, 2025 | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM | NexSource Centre

Have your say

  • Have your say before budget planning starts

    • We are asking for your feedback before staff begin preparing their budgets for 2024
    • Tell us what your priorities are by completing the resident priorities survey

    What happens with your survey results

    1. We verify addresses
    2. Your answers to name and address questions are removed  
    3. We compile verified survey responses and present results to Council and Administration 
    4. The results become public as part of a Council Meeting Agenda
    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 10:44 AM