September 05 → October 31 2023

Phase 1: Survey

Take the online survey if you haven't already. 

September 05 2024

Phase 1: Budget chat with Council at the Info Night Fun Fest

Budget Chat with Council

Consider yourself invited to chat with Council about your 2025 budget priorities and ask budget questions 

Can't make it? 

October → November 2024

Phase 2: Budget deliberations

2025 Draft budget deliberations (Internal)

  • Directors, managers, and staff from each department present their draft budget requests and information to Council
  • Council asks questions, requests changes, and works with staff to ensure resident priorities are heard
  • Council approves a draft budget 
December 09 2024

Phase 3: Draft budget approval

At the December 9, 2024 regular Council Meeting, Council approves:

  • 2025 Interim Operating Budget 
  • 2025-27 Budget Plan for circulation to the public
  • 2025 Capital Budget and 10-Year Capital Plan
January 29 2025

Phase 3: Draft budget open house

Come learn about the draft budget. Details TBD.

March 24 → April 28 2025

Phase 4: Budget Final Steps

The final steps to approve the 2025 Budget are:

  • March 24, 2025: First reading to the 2025 Property Tax Bylaw
  • April 14, 2025: Second reading to the 2025 Property Tax Bylaw  
  • April 28, 2025: Third reading to the 2025 Property Tax Bylaw  

Have a look at Council meeting agendas and minutes here.