Why Engage

Why Engage? 

If you are here, we know you are trying to make Sylvan Lake better. Thank you for caring about your neighbours and your community! We look forward to hearing from you. 


Why did we create engage.sylvanlake.ca? 

  • To create a safe space for all Lakers and visitors to provide feedback 

  • To open communication between the Town and residents. If we talk respectfully and transparently, we can create an amazing community together 


Why do we ask registration and demographic questions? 

  1. We are working towards inclusive communication. That means Lakers are one big family where nobody gets left behind. If we know we are missing certain Lakers, we can try new ways to reach out to them. If we don't know who IS responding, we don't know who ISN'T responding  

  1. We are creating a community space where everyone feels safe asking questions and giving feedback. Keep it kind and respectful. Registration means less anonymous trolling. Bullying, racism, homophobia, or other offensive language results in user bans 

  1. We use your feedback whenever possible to make decisions. It is important that we can separate the information given by residents from visitors 


Community Moderation 

  • Engage.sylvanlake.ca has community moderators working 24/7 

  • They make sure the online community stays constructive, safe, and inclusive 

  • A neutral third-party company provides 24-hour community moderating. Moderators are not Town of Sylvan Lake employees 

  • Moderators remove users and/or comments that don’t meet community standards 


Community Standards 

  1. Constructive: This place is for shared learning and constructive conversation. Users can ask hard questions as long as it’s kept respectful 

  1. Safe and InclusiveStay respectful of each otherEveryone is welcome to participate, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or citizenship 

  1. Family friendly: Use family friendly language. No explicit content or language 

  1. Project focused: Keep questions and feedback project focused. We remove off-topic questions and/or redirect them to www.sylvanlake.ca/contactus. We remove users posting marketing and/or spam 


Who can see my information?  

  1. Your account information is private: When you create an account, only your screen name is public. All other registration data is private and is NEVER shared publicly. When we use demographic information such as address, we separate it from your name. 
  2. FOIP: We collect the personal information on this form under the authority of Section 33(c) the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActThe Act protects your information. Personal information, such as names, is never published without your consent. We use your email addresses for engage.sylvanlake.ca notifications and to answer your questions directly when needed. Questions or concerns about the collection or use of this information? Contact us by selecting Communications under Corporate Services: sylvanlake.ca/contact 
  3. Comments are public: Your comments and questions on projects are public. While your registration details are private, your comments and questions on project pages are public.   


How are my feedback and questions used? 

  • To learn how Lakers feel
  • To guide our decision-making
  • To help other Lakers who may want to know the same thing