Roundabout safety

Roundabouts slow traffic down and reduce the possibility of high-speed t-bone accidents. Slower speed accidents cause less death and harm than highway speed accidents. Here’s just some of the research:

  • A four-leg single-lane roundabout has 75% fewer vehicle conflict points—compared to a conventional intersection.” (Exhibit 5-2., United States Department of Transportation)

  • Roundabouts have 75% fewer crashes than traditional intersections with lights, “International studies of intersections converted to roundabouts indicate a strong reduction in injury crashes, particularly for crashes with fatal or serious injuries.” (Evelien Polders)

  • "Roundabouts use curved approaches that reduce vehicle speed and oblige drivers entering it to yield right-of-way to vehicles already in the roundabout. The counter-clockwise flow of traffic around a central island also minimizes conflict points (i.e., opportunities for collisions). Lower speeds make it easier for drivers to yield to oncoming vehicle and pedestrian traffic because less stopping distance is needed. In addition, the circular shape greatly reduces the likelihood of angle or T-bone collisions which are common at intersections and which increase injury severity.” (Traffic Injury Research Foundation)

  • There’s another advantage to roundabouts, “They require less idling waiting for the green light which reduces vehicle emissions and fuel consumption.” (Traffic Injury Research Foundation)

Sometimes it all gets a bit wordy, so the illustration shows how roundabouts have less points of conflict. Points of conflict are where crashes usually happen.

When using the new roundabout, we ask drivers to:

  • Drive more carefully in the new roundabout

  • Have patience and show kindness to other drivers, especially if they are struggling with the roundabout

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