East Leaderfield Park trail connections
On 14 May 2024, 12:06, Levi asked:
Are there plans to put in a trail connecting Brookstone Drive and the trail to the north of Lucky Place? If so, any idea when?
Hi Levi,
We appreciate the time you took out of your day to ask about future trail development in our community. This question wasn't directly related to Pogadl Park, so we are answering it the General Questions area on this website.
The trail north of Lucky Place is in Leaderfield East Park. The park along with the trail will eventually connect to the trails behind Cole Way.
When will the trails connect?
These developments usually happen when the surrounding land is developed. Right now, the park/trail corridor is zoned FD, or Future Designation (Page 168). You can find zoning on our land use map.
The Future Designation zone means that the area is waiting for developers to start a project. Once developers start planning, we assign more specific land uses. Then the park and trails get built at the same time as the surrounding area is developed.
We are not sure when these developments will begin, but the general guidelines are planned far into the future. This area is included in the Beacon Hill Outline Plan (pg. 16).
Outline plans are general guidelines that help to coordinate the design and development of:
Infrastructure (Water, sewer, stormwater, internet, electricity, gas)
Roads (Vehicle and non-vehicle movement like bikes and walking)
Land Uses (Where residential, commercial, and park spaces are best placed to make a great neighbourhood)
Outline plans are flexible and may change because future requirements may change.
I know that this answer includes a lot of information. We wanted to give you the bigger picture of not just when and if the trail will connect, but how we make development decisions.
Feel free to ask another question!

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